SANE permanent innovation in technologies applied to paddle tennis.
Full Carbon Visible
The only system without other fabrics on top or filler that covers pores that allows full visualization of the carbon.

XL honeycomb roughness in the striking area for greater effect on blows.

IPS (Intergrated Print System): Integrated painting and printing system for the epoxy resin that makes up the structure of the racket. The shovel comes out of a mold. Advantages: 100% anti-painting, aesthetics achieved with very few grams of weight that gives the racket great lightness, maintaining the same structural resistance

Top-of-the-range models with triple state-of-the-art technology:
› IPS (Integrated Print System): Integrated painting and printing system for the epoxy resin that makes up the structure of the racket. The shovel comes out of a mold. Advantages: 100% anti-painting, aesthetics achieved with very few grams of weight that gives the racket great lightness, maintaining the same structural resistance.
› Carbon visualization: unique system without other fabrics on top or filler that covers pores that allows full visualization of the carbon.
› PSP Complements: SANE I4 models are the only ones that have a protector and heart molding in compact thermoformed polycarbonate. They are enveloping, light, unbreakable, unpaintable due to being printed on the inside and have transparent bubble moldings for shock absorption on the upper part of the sides of the head. Advantages: it gives greater flexural rigidity in the heart area of the blade, it is the best wrap-around protector for the blade, the three light accessories keep the center of gravity unchanged, that is, they do not modify the balance of the blade.


25 years after the invention of the paddle with a rubber core that revolutionized Padel as we know it today, we have begun a new era with the introduction of a technology applied to this sport: We present the paddle with a POLYCARBONATE structure.
It took more than an intensive year of our research and development department to arrive at the final product that we are presenting to you today. We have currently patented it under international organizations (Patent No. U201430113) which protects us from unauthorized replicas by other brands.
To the composites, or composite resins with fiberglass/carbon, used for several years in conventional paddle tennis rackets, we have added new materials and production processes widely used in architecture and mechanical engineering, achieving a structural combination with superior performance to the current blades, among which we can highlight:
A smooth and mirrored surface of such a level is achieved that it is unbeatable by the varnishing and polishing methods used today.

Protection against shocks thanks to the resistance of the new materials. In addition, weather and climate are no longer factors of deterioration.

To achieve shots with greater spin and ball spin.

The gloss does not disappear, and the graphics remain with the color and definition of lines that left the factory, due to the innovative internal printing technology.

Frame whose surface is soft, so that when a blow occurs, it cushions the impact.
An elastic column of a higher density material with a high rebound coefficient is placed in the transparent parts.
A greater flex range of the face gives greater control and more comfortable shots. In addition, it returns to its original position in less time, which maintains or increases the hitting power.
If tennis rackets weigh less than paddle tennis rackets and develop more power, it should be possible to build lighter rackets, and therefore more manageable, that have the same or more power than the current ones. How to achieve this without losing control, comfort, sweet spot, performance or durability of the racket?
After many months of experimentation, SANE manages to conceive the “Plaque Shovel”, a shovel with an inverse structure to conventional ones.
With an internal rigid laminar structure in the hitting area, and with
elastic materials directly in contact with the ball.
With incredible minimum thicknesses (from 3 to 6 mm.) Never used before, not even in the old rigid blades, which allows us to develop "membrane technology".
This "membrane technology" allows the racket's striking area to work as a plate with high elastic capacity, with
greater deformation than current rackets, but also with greater
recovery capacity, a fundamental characteristic to achieve extremely important levels. of power, control and effects.

Not only have they achieved a lighter racket than the current ones, but it also surpasses the rackets that we can see on the slopes now in all the indicators of importance:
+15% lighter.
+100% greater durability.
+50% more manageability.
+20% more power. +15% more sweet spot.
+20% higher level of effects.
+50% less noise.
It is a 38mm blade composed of 2 5mm plates (one per face) combined with the opening of 4 perimeter windows in the frame of the blade and joined through a core of compressed polyethylene (HCT)® the size of the sweet spot. This allows air circulation during the striking movement in a very important volume that adds a lot of manageability. It penetrates through the perimeter windows, crosses the hollow areas of the core (lower and upper) and is expelled through the windows of the opposite sector.
With this type of structure we achieve a racket with levels of effects in its hits similar to those of the conventional plate and extreme manageability, but now incorporated into a 38mm frame that has the flexural rigidity typical of these rackets, without edges and with an important finish. In addition, the racket maintains the power characteristics of the other Compressed Hybrid models (Agressor HCT, Supernova Convexa) that have been so well accepted.
It also has a very original and very technical presentation in chrome and carbon surface sheet with a matte finish that differentiates it from the previously known blades.
When testing its performance, it is notorious that its core, when working floating between the 2 plates, since it is not attached to the frame, offers greater comfort on impacts with great flexibility and rapid recovery of the plate.

Shovel that summarizes the main technologies that SANE has innovated in recent years in the same model.
+Membrane Technology (Plate System)®
+Hybrid Core
+Anti-painting vinyl system
+HCT (Hybrid Compression Technology)®
+Perforated perimeter
In addition, new technologies are incorporated:
+Open Frame
+iplaca with Antivibration
In the first half of the year we have incorporated 3 models with compressed hybrid core technology. The differences with a conventional EVA – FOAM hybrid core like the one that Sane invented several years ago, is that now the assembly is previously compressed to achieve a greater speed of the impact face. Thanks to the use of PU (high-strength Polyurethane Elastomer) that we already use in the cores of Plate blades and the new closed-bubble Polyethylene FOAM that has lower density and greater elasticity than the previous ones, we can achieve a pre-compressed core without deformations that results in an elastic shovel, light and very well balanced (that is, with the characteristics of hit comfort that the player appreciates the most) but with a very important level of power due to the aforementioned speed of recovery from impact. (Agressor HCT and SuperNova Convexa).

-+100% Carbon.
+30% more Compression.
+ Greater speed of recovery of the impact face.
+Single blade with pre-tensioning process.
+Maximum power for blades with a lot of flex (Soft).